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Game Day Prep - Fall and Spring YNFL Flag

Moms and Dads,

Below are some important items to think about as you prepare for opening day of Spring and Fall Youth NFL Flag Football.

Your Child must always wear a mouth guard and cleats to play TeamX YNFL Flag Football. If you do not have a mouth guard please come to the concession stand, we keep a supply on hand and can sell you these inexpensively. Cleats are mandatory for traction and your child's protection on slippery grass. You may wish to purchase Underarmour or an equivalent for the early spring cool mornings.  Also optional are wide receiver gloves which can keep fingers warm and enhance catching.

In accordance with our COVID 19 plan, players must wear a face mask when on slide lines, leaving the fields, getting their temperature checked, and etc.  Players do not have wear a mask when he or she is actively practicing and playing during games.

Pack umbrellas and keep in your car. Unless safety or damaging fields become a legitimate concern, we play through rain. We only have a certain number of Saturday's available to us during the season and in order to offer you the maximum number of games, we have to put up with unpleasant weather at times.


Parking in a non-parking area may endanger the safety of the players and others.  Also, we want to be respectful of our partnerships.

Children must wear official YNFL jerseys during game play. If lost, please contact the league and we will attempt to purchase you a second jersey

TeamX Weather Line610-737-4313   Each week the weather line will provide you up to the hour information on game day cancellations or delays. This message may change as your game time approaches. Please check frequently if you suspect that weather may force a cancellation or delay. Do not leave a message on this line, it is never checked.


Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

What are the ages of play?

NFL Flag is for boys and girls ages 4-17

How long are the Games?

Two 20 minute halves and 2 min half time

When and where is practice?
The head coach is responsible for setting up time and place for practices.

How many practices are allowed?
Pre season 2 per week after opening day 1 per week is allowed.

What equipment do I need to play flag football?

Flag football flags and belt. Players wear belts with flags that hang along their sides and opponents have to pull the flags off of the ball-carrier’s belt. Every player receives an official NFL FLAG football belt and flag football flags, either from their coach or league organizer. if you lose it there are replacements available for sale

NFL FLAG team jersey.  

Shorts. It’s important to wear shorts that don’t have pockets. This allows the belt and flags to be visible at all times, avoiding unnecessary penalties. It also is a safety precaution so that fingers don’t get stuck when attempting to remove the flag.  

Mouth guard is required. This is the only protective gear that players wear. We recommend having a backup in your bag, just in case.  There are replacements available for sale.

Football cleats is required. Metal cleats are not allowed in flag football.  

Football gloves (optional). Some players prefer to use football gloves, which give extra grip to help control the ball. These aren’t required, though.


Can I still register my child after the deadline date?

 Yes, you may register late, but there is a $ 20.00 late registration fee.

There is no guarantee a spot will be open. And if so, your child may have to play on a team different than the team he/she would have originally been on.

Will the kids play in the rain?
 If it is a light rain, show up for your game. The League Director(s) will make the call on site, if conditions warrant postponing games until weather lets up.

It is very important that all players communicate with his/her coach in order to know what has been decided concerning the weather / rain schedule.

When will I here from a coach?
The coach should contact the players once the rosters are posted usually the latest would be the prior to opening day.

How many players on a team?

Typically teams have between 8-10 players. However we do have occasions that stretch this guideline.

Is there equal playing time?

Each player should get equal playing time and the coach should to the best of their ability make sure each player is getting fair playing time.

23 Spring Refund Policy


 I am interested in volunteering  to be a coach. How do I sign up?
Sign up to coach by registering on the website or contact League Director.
Although, the league is always in need of dedicated coaches, coaches from the previous season will get first option as returning Head / Assist Coach.

Do I need experience to Coach?
No prior experience is necessary. All volunteer coaches will be supported by the league staff.

How do you play Flag football?

The first rule of flag football is pretty straight forward: there’s no contact allowed. That includes tackling, blocking, and screening. Instead, players wear FLAGS that hang along their sides by a belt. To “tackle” the person in possession of the ball, the opposing team needs to pull one or both of their flags off.  

This rule, along with several others, serve a single purpose: to keep players safe. From creating “no run zones” to eliminating fumbles, flag football rules are designed to create a fast-paced, engaging version of football without the physical contact. Read all about the important FLAG FOOTBALL RULES you need to know, including the different terms and positions. 

Sneek Peaks of our summer camps

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